Monday, November 8, 2010

Week 45 - New Church, OKC

This week we visited New Church, a non-dominational church in northwest Oklahoma City. They have 3 services and since we got an extra hour of sleep, we got out for the first service at 9:00. It was not very full and I suspect the two later services are much more crowded. They have a nice worship band and two pastors that shared the sermon. They were a very friendly and welcoming group and made you feel at home. The theme for the new series they were starting was “Thanksliving” and it was one of those times when I knew I was exactly where I needed to be today. I’ve always understood the concept of being thankful and have frequently poured out my thanksgiving and praise to God. On the other hand, I am a first class worrier. I worry about everything, pray about everything, try to help God solve everything. This fall I have watched God begin to reveal His plan over some things I have been praying about (and worrying about) for a long time. I have been all over the map with this from steadfast faith, resting in His promise that His plan and His timing are always perfect…to fits of frustration and impatience over those very things. Recently, I saw God start to work on a couple of my many subjects of worry. I was overwhelmed with God’s wisdom, extremely thankful that I could tell He heard my prayers, that He cares about all the same people I care about, and the brilliance of His timing. I am not going to pretend I know what the future holds, but I have learned a huge lesson in trusting Him and being just thankful beyond description for His love, patience and forgiveness. All of that was reinforced in today’s sermon. We could have been anywhere because of this journey we are on, but we were here today, being led there by a gracious God who had something to say to me. For this, and a host of other things too long to list, I am thankful