Sunday, July 4, 2010

Week 27 - First Church OKC (downtown)

First Church sits at 4th and Robinson in Oklahoma City and was greatly affected by the Oklahoma City bombing. Today it is a beautifully restored historic church that serves the downtown Oklahoma City area. We attended the early, traditional service. There is a later, contemporary, service each week as well. Attendance was light, maybe due to the holiday or maybe due to the early time, but the people there were very friendly and inviting. Worship was led by an older woman who you could tell loved what she did and I’m guessing that’s been her job for many years. Instruments consisted of a single organ. The sermon was entitled “Can I Pass God’s Test” but focused on the subject of giving/tithing. Of all the sermons I’ve heard on this subject, this one was well delivered, without guilt and with insight that was new to me at least. There were the familiar verses that cover the subject of giving, but he also presented a verse from the New Testament that affirms the practice of tithing that I’ve never picked up on before. I have always balked at the idea of an exact percentage and preferred to apply the “God loves a cheerful giver” verse to giving. However, the verse in Matthew 23:23 has given us something new to think about regarding that subject. We left with a new coffee cup and a couple of candy bars and have discovered that we are really enjoying our tour of the downtown churches.

Week 26 - First Baptist Church OKC

First Baptist Church of OKC is a downtown church at 12th & Robinson. It is an old building with lots of character. Older wooden pews, huge organ pipes and beautiful stained glass adorn this church and give it a certain traditional charm. There was a single service and we followed a printed program, which included the words to the hymns. The church was filled with people from all walks of life and all ages. This church is very active in the community life of downtown and seems to view its own neighborhood as a mission field. The topic of the sermon was the freedom we have in Christ with the verses referenced being Galatians 3:23-29. They see all as equal under Christ, including male and female. They have a female worship leader and have a pastor that fills in for the lead pastor who is female. Coming from a church that only allows men in these roles, again we have something else to consider and study for ourselves. At the end of the service a new member, who lives close to the church, was introduced and told of her struggles and the warm reception she received in this place. It was the love of these people that compelled her to place her membership here after just one week. That says a lot.