Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 25 - Church on the Rock

We visited Church on the Rock this week. This is another church we’ve passed by for years and we’ve also watched them grow during that time. We were greeted warmly and immediately recognized as visitors. We were then directed to the new visitor greeter who was very nice and introduced us to their church and just made us feel welcome. After we sat down, we were approached by several people who introduced themselves and took the time to visit with us and find out some things about us. I have to say it was the most interest a church has shown in visitors of anywhere we have attended so far. They have two services and we attended the early one. It was very full and a big mix of people and ages. They are set up in much the same way as the other non-denominational churches, with a large worship group including the standard instruments as well as some winds and strings. The worship was lively and most members danced, sang, raised hands and were very expressive in their worship. This church is very focused on evangelizing the state of Oklahoma. It seems they see Oklahoma as a missions field in much the same way we tend to see foreign countries. They call their pastor “apostle” which was interesting. I would be curious to know more about that. The sermon was very interesting and entertaining and we really enjoyed listening to “apostle John.” The handout was filled with scripture and he incorporated a lot of scripture into the sermon on “How to Live a Happy Life.” One of the ways he emphasized for living a happy life was “praying in tongues.” Not “speaking in tongues”, but “praying in tongues.” They very much see this as an important element of their identity as Christians. His explanation about tongues was not what I expected. He said it was the way we pray through the Holy Spirit when we don’t know what to pray. I’ve never heard that viewpoint before so that was definitely something new to think about. There was a lot of congregational reading/repeating during the sermon, including a rather loud session of congregational speaking in tongues. If anyone was looking around, I’m guessing we really stood out as visitors! I’m still not why that makes me a little uncomfortable, but God definitely had something for us to experience this morning! After all, that’s what this journey is all about.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week 24 - Bridgeway Church

Bridgeway Church was our choice for worship this week. Immediately upon entering we noticed a congregation very engaged with each other. There were a lot of lively conversations going on between people. There was also a lot going on in the foyer. First off, a café serving coffee and such, a bookstore, a table with information promoting an outreach project they were promoting today, greeters and quite a few people just talking and catching up. Inside the lively conversations continued. They seem to be really excited about being there and seeing each other. The worship area had a relaxing, comfortable feeling with rows of chairs, rather than pews, scattered with Bibles for use during worship or to take home if anyone needed a Bible. A wide variety of people were in attendance and the atmosphere was casual. From dress clothes to jeans and shorts, it was all ok. There was a stage with an instrumental worship band, that performed a variety of songs, some traditional, some contemporary. One thing we noticed was that the congregation was really singing. We could actually hear singing over the band. In addition, the band toned down the music from time to time so the singing could stand out. Also, there seemed to be great freedom to worship however you felt led, with some sitting, some standing, some with hands raised, some not. The pastor had a great, well presented message about God using ordinary people to do extraordinary things. He used the example from Mark 3:13-19 where Jesus chose the apostles. It was a diverse, ordinary group indeed. As diverse as the churches we’re visiting, but united by one thing—the authority of Jesus Christ—as are we all, regardless of the denomination we affiliate with.

Week 23 - Quail Springs Baptist

We attended Quail Springs Baptist contemporary service this morning, which is sandwiched in between two traditional services. I’m not sure what their total attendance is, but this service was pretty full. It is a beautiful building inside and out. The décor is light and inviting with light streaming through beautiful stained glass windows. We sat off to the side a little towards the back and ended up right next to the pastor’s wife. It was interesting that she was sitting there in the middle of the church and not down front and center. I don’t know the reason for this, but she was very nice and welcoming. The message this morning was from Proverbs, one of my favorite books of the Bible. This was one of those sermons, it seemed, where the pastor had been dealing with a number of people involved in infidelity and decided it was time for a firm reminder to everyone of how God feels about that. He presented it in the context of “correction and protection—not condemnation.” But make no mistake, as he said “infidelity is stupid.” We’ve had those kinds of sermons before and while they may seem harsh initially, there was truth in what he was saying. It seems fidelity these days is a dying characteristic, not just fidelity in marriage, but in work, our friendships, with God. While I’ve never personally dealt with marital infidelity, I am sure I have been guilty of it in other areas of my life. God has something for everyone to hear even in sermons that we don’t particularly relate to. That in itself is an important lesson.